2015年10月28日 星期三

KC: 請教有乜講錯陳文敏先?

港大校委會在上月29日會議上,以8票贊成、12票反對,否決陳文敏任命,商業電台昨日播出3段錄音,聲稱是李國章當晚在會上的發言。首段錄音中,李國章指陳文敏當時擔任法律學院院長是由學院推選,也只因他是好人(nice guy),又申報堂弟李國能有份推薦陳文敏,「堂弟也認為他是一個非常非常好的人」 (And my cousin has already said he's a very very nice guy)。之後一段錄音,李國章更指,陳文敏沒有博士、醫學博士或法學博士等較高等學歷,質疑若由陳文敏負責教授晉升的職責,能否有一個誠實獨立的客觀意見。

在第三段錄音中,李國章又否認受到中聯辦或特首壓力(I'd like to say very categorically I have not been under any pressure)。他又提及有指「左報」如《文匯報》、《大公報》以百計的文章打擊作為候選人的陳文敏,但他「坦言」,自己及相信大部分香港人不會看這兩份報章。相反,他認為有政黨非常有組織及落力地推舉陳文敏,用恐嚇、用阻撓校委會、成立關注組、及用司法覆核等等手段,他反問這些政黨為何如此支持陳文敏,他們是否想如內地大學一樣,在港大有位「黨委書記」,「他們當陳文敏是黨委書記,想將他放在這裏做黨委書記?」(Do they want a 黨委書記at HKU? Is he a 黨委書記, is he put in here as a黨委書記?),因此他對陳文敏這位候選人感到非常不舒服及不安(all these things made me feel very uncomfortable and very uneasy with this candidate)


//Mr. Chairman,
when I came on the scene, I thought this would be a very straightforward matter. The Vice-Chancellor makes a recommendation, and we rubber-stamp it, and that’s deemed a fact. However, I do have some worries that I feel I should articulate, the Dean, the Vice-Chancellor, in those days, were elected by the Faculty. So all you have to do is to be a nice guy to everyone, and I think Johannes Chan is a very nice guy. And at this point, I’d like to declare my interest; there was one of the referees which is my cousin. And my cousin has already said he’s a very very nice guy.
So from that point of view, I have no worry in that he is dean, my main worry on academic side was that he has no higher degree equal to a PhD or an MD or LLD, now you may say in law is not necessary. Well, if it is not necessary, why is such a degree there in the first place? And when you look at the other referee professors, they all got LLDs. Therefore, either he hasn’t tried or he is too busy or he doesn’t think it is important, but if that’s the case he will be devaluated maybe of the lecturers, professors who have got PhDs, who have gone through the rigours of academic pursuits. Now, can you, can someone be in charge of promotion of another person who actually has not gone through the same rigours as that other person and give an honest independent objective view? And I would put my question here is that, I do have my doubt about this.
The second thing I’d like to bring up is that, we’ve been said that we’ve been under a lot of pressure from the liaison office, from the Chief Executive, and I’d like to say very categorically I have not been under any pressure. It has been said that the left-wing press,
文匯報、大公報 have been running hundreds of articles against this candidate. And quite honestly, I don’t read 文匯報 or 大公報, and I think most people in Hong Kong do not read 文匯報 or 大公報. Relatively most people take a negative view, the more they say about something, the more we feel anti whatever they say.
However, on the other side, it’s that the political parties are very well organized, very well informed, very well…how would I say… very keen to push this candidate by, as Leonie said, by intimidation, by failing our council meeting, by having concern groups and all these threatening JRs and everything. But I just wonder why is these political parties so keen on this candidate, is it, you know, in the Mainland university, they have
黨委書記. Do they want a 黨委書記 at Hong Kong U? Is he a 黨委書記, is he put in here as a 黨委書記? So I don’t know, forgetting about the politics, all these things made me feel very uncomfortable and very uneasy with this candidate.  Thank you.//

KC: 請教有乜講錯陳文敏先?

